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Become a smartphone filmmaker with the Q4



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The Q4 app is designed to help filmmakers shoot any type of video on their phones. The Q4 comes with six lenses for filming. There’s no need for fancy equipment; just use the Q4 app, set the camera angle, add some titles and music, and record away! You can even connect the Q4 to your smart TV and stream live footage directly to YouTube and Facebook Live.

Q4 is a great tool for anyone who wants to make interesting videos without spending a lot of money on expensive hardware. Simply download the free Q4 app onto your iPhone or Android device, then follow these simple steps to start making videos today!

How to get started:

  • Connect the Q4 to your TV using the HDMI cable included (optional)
  • Open the app
  • Adjust brightness and contrast and adjust audio levels
  • Select the Lens you want to film from the drop-down menu
  • Add Titles & Music
  • Press Record to begin recording
  • Shoot away!

About Q4

We’re passionate about video and believe it should be accessible to everyone. That’s why we created the Q4 – a revolutionary mobile filmmaking kit that makes it fun and easy to create professional quality videos.

With six wide-angle lenses, you can easily capture everything around you — whether you’re at home or out and about. The Q4 connects to your TV via standard HDMI, so you can share your videos instantly on Google Chromecast, Apple TV and Amazon Fire TV. Plus, you can seamlessly stream your clips right to YouTube and Facebook Live, along with Instagram Direct.

  • Adobe After Effects or Premiere Pro CC
    Premiere Pro CC or After Effects are both amazing software programs that offer plenty of options for editing digital videos. You need them to make good movies. If you have a Mac, you’ll want to use Premiere, while PC users should go with After Effects. Once you get these programs installed, they’re going to give you tons of features that allow you to edit just about anything. From video filters to transitions, the tools here will help you create some great content!

  • Camera
    Although smartphones don’t generally have professional cameras, you may still want to invest in one. A camera is necessary if you plan to take footage from home shoots or even shoot events. You’ll need a full-size DSLR if you’re planning on taking high quality video anytime soon. Make sure that your phone’s screen is bright enough to capture footage without having to add lighting.
  • Microphone
    You might already have a microphone for calls and voice notes built into your iPhone. However, you shouldn’t rely on those for recording videos. You’re much better off getting a separate microphone, especially for filming at home. For best results, try to pick one with a wide dynamic range to capture everything from quiet to loud noises.

  • Lighting
    You definitely don’t need a professional studio setting to film a good movie, but you do need some kind of lighting. Any decent LED panel from Ikea or Amazon would work well. Avoid using fluorescent lights, though — their harsh glare makes things look unnatural. In addition, you can buy small reflectors or mirrors to bounce light back onto your subject, which adds depth to images.

  • Audio recorder
    If you plan on making many short films, you’ll want an audio recorder. There are several apps that do the job for free. One popular option is Audacity, a program that works on Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. You can download it for free at

  • Laptop
    Once you’ve got all of your gear set up, you’ll need a laptop to upload your files to the internet. While you could do this via WiFi directly to your computer, it’s recommended to connect to a router so that you can access the internet. It’s easier than trying to figure out how to connect your devices, plus you won’t run into any issues downloading software updates.

  • Good lighting
    This doesn’t necessarily mean a fancy studio. Just find a spot where there isn’t direct sunlight shining on your subject. Also, avoid moving the light around too often. That way, you won’t end up with blurry shots due to movement. When you start shooting, adjust the intensity until you get the right amount of light. Then slowly increase it over time.
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