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Buttigieg to airlines: Summer flight cancellations ‘unacceptable’



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1. Buttigieg has been hit with criticism after he told United Airlines that summer flight cancellations were unacceptable.

– By Nick Miroff, Associated Press… Buttigieg said he was “deeply disappointed” in the company’s decision to cancel some flights, adding that it’s important for people to know what is happening behind the scenes.

– Twitter Post – Mayor Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) August 15, 2019

2. U.S. Airline CEOs Urge Action To Reduce Flights Cancellation Rates

– In a letter sent to air travel industry leaders Monday, the heads of Delta, American, Southwest, and United urged carriers to keep their planes flying.


– By Michael S. Schmidt, AP… The CEOs called the rate of cancellations “far higher than we would have anticipated just two weeks ago.”

– Twitter Post – Delta (@Delta), Southwest (@SouthwestAir), American (American Airlines) & United Continental Holdings Inc. (@United_Airlines) (August 17, 2019)

3. U.S. airline executives say they’re doing everything possible to reduce flights cancellations

– The companies said they had already cut routes, increased capacity, and boosted staffing levels.

– By David Shepardson, AP… In addition to cutting flights, the companies said they’re offering passengers additional compensation if they miss their trip.


– Twitter Post airlines – @American_Airlines (August 17, 2019)… All four companies said they plan to continue operating domestic flights until at least Sept. 11.

– Twitter Post… United CEO Oscar Munoz tweeted his thanks to employees for remaining patient and working hard.

– Twitter Post @united – @Oscar_Munoz (August 16, 2019)

4. More than half of Americans think President Trump canceled Hurricane Dorian over weather forecasts.

Buttigieg to airlines: summer flight cancellations ‘unacceptable’


As US President Donald Trump continues to take aim at his former administration’s travel ban, Mayor Pete Buttigieg wants to make sure that the president knows what he thinks about airline cancellations. On Tuesday (March 4), Buttigieg tweeted out a link to an article published earlier in the day titled “Trump plans to block flights to Europe.” In the article, the author writes that “President Donald Trump said he would soon issue an executive order blocking U.S. carriers from flying to Europe,” adding that the move “came after days of criticism over his travel ban targeting seven Muslim-majority countries.”

The piece continued: “However, officials say they have not been given any details yet on how the ban would work, or whether it would apply only to U.S.-based carriers. A White House official told Reuters that the plan was still being finalized.”

In response to the news, Buttigieg shared a tweet from John F Kennedy Airport (JFK) in New York City, asking: “@VP @realDonaldTrump I’m worried we’re going to start seeing some flights cancelled today. Do you want us to do that?” He added a link to the full story that accompanied the tweet, which reads: “Airline CEO says Trump’s proposed EU travel ban could cause $50M worth of canceled flights.”

“I know the cancellation of summer vacation trips would be unacceptable if it were coming from anyone else. And if you’d asked me last week, I’d have agreed. But I don’t think any American should be forced to choose between their family vacation and our country. That’s why I am absolutely opposed to the idea of putting people who follow our laws around the world on a blacklist simply because of where they live,” the mayor wrote.


He concluded: “And if you’re wondering why I’ve never supported Trump’s racist policies before now, let me explain. We shouldn’t have to pick between protecting America’s values and protecting the rights of those abroad.”

Buttigieg to Airports: Cancel Flights to Europe

Mayor Pete Buttigieg is calling on Americans to cancel their flights to Europe amid reports that President Trump may attempt to implement a travel ban affecting European nations.

In a tweet posted Tuesday, March 4, Buttigieg shared that he is “concerned we’re going to see some flights cancelled today. Does the president want us to do that? If so, @VP I’m worried we’re headed down a dangerous path here.” He then linked to a Washington Post article featuring the same headline.

When asked by Twitter user @briandean_ about Buttigieg’s stance on the matter, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor replied: “John F Kennedy airport JFK/EWR. Not a good place to put someone whose travel status is unknown. No need to add to the anxiety of folks already nervous about international travel. Thanks.”


Buttigieg has expressed opposition to the Trump Administration’s recent travel bans directed towards several Islamic majority countries, including travelers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and Chad.
To date, Buttigieg has not commented publicly on the latest reported travel ban proposal. He did, however, voice his concerns over the original travel ban issued on Jan. 27, 2017.

On Jan. 27, 2017, President Donald J. Trump signed Executive Order 13769 entitled “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States.” The order indefinitely suspended the admission of refugees and barred entry into the U.S. for 90 days to citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries — Iran, Iraq, Libya*, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. The order also placed restrictions on all refugees entering the U.S.

  • – On Feb. 2, 2019, the Department of Homeland Security announced that the U.S. government had removed the Refugee Admissions Program cap for the fiscal year 2020. As a result, the number of refugees allowed to enter the U.S. from the above countries increased from 50,000 to 110,000.
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